“There are millions of homeless people in the world because humanity does not have a proper conscience!”

About us!

This website is to update and make you aware of the issues aorund homlessness and what you can do to help those in need. Also for anyone who needs help themsleves.

Homelessness in America

Seventy percent of people experiencing homelessness are individuals who are living on their own or in the company of other adults. The remainder (30 percent) are people in families with children. Sixty percent of all people experiencing homelessness are male. Amongst individuals, the numbers are 70 percent are men and unaccompanied male youth. Far too many people in America sleep outside and in other locations not meant for human habitation. This group includes more than 200,000 people (37 percent of the overall population). Among individuals experiencing homelessness, the numbers are more 1 in 2 are unsheltered. Click here